Teaching Young Learners Dubai, UAE
Cambridge Certificate in Teaching Young Learners- extension course
Important Information
Please note that in order to obtain the CELTYL extension qualification applicants must have passed the CELTA. It is not necessary to have experience of teaching younger learners.
Course Details
Course ref. |
4988 |
Course Type |
Teaching Young Learners |
Min Age |
20 |
Maximum Class Size |
12 |
Customer Feedback
The school was fine. The trainers were FIRST RATE - they did an outstanding job. The input sessions were a high point for me. Entertaining, challenging and intellectually stimulating all at the same time.
-Duncan Millar-
Course Description
- What is the YL Extension?
The Cambridge Young Learner Extension course is a two week full-time ELT training course designed to help candidates to apply the techniques and methodology they have acquired on the Cambridge CELTA to teaching a range of young learners.
- Do I need to complete the Cambridge CELTA course before I apply for the YL Extension?
Yes and no. Cambridge will only endorse their own training courses. The YL Extension is issued as an endorsement to the CELTA. There is no separate Cambridge certificate for those who have not done the CELTA.
However, you can apply without the CELTA.
- Do I need to have had experience teaching children before applying?
Some experience is helpful but not necessary. At the interview, we look for evidence of empathy with younger learners and an interest in their needs. This can be demonstrated, for example, through experience of raising children; having younger siblings; working at a summer camp. It is also important that you appreciate that children have different needs.
- What will you get out of the course?
The course provides the opportunity to apply effective modern language teaching methodology to teaching young learners. In addition to communicative language teaching techniques, trainees will also learn methods of teaching language focused lessons as well as skills lessons, broaden their lesson planning and timetabling skills and explore a variety of approaches to classroom management appropriate to young learners
- Input Sessions
These are where trainees work with one of the two tutors on the course and we cover what you need to know about effective language teaching to YLs. We cover theory, methodology, teaching techniques, classroom management and essentially model what we expect you to do in your teaching.
- Teaching Practice (TP) and Observation
Teaching practice is an integral part of the course and one of the two assessed components. This is where you work with a group of real students and teach them. Trainees work in groups of six with small classes of students and will get experience of teaching at different levels/ages. Tutors help you with your lesson planning and after teaching the lessons are discussed by TP groups and tutors. Your colleagues on the course will be observing you and everybody is expected to contribute towards giving you feedback to your teaching - highlighting the positives as well as areas for development. Tutors give both verbal and written feedback with formal assessment on each individual lesson. Trainees teach a total of 4 hours on the course and will also have the opportunity to observe at least 6 hours of lessons given by qualified, experienced teachers.
- Lesson Planning
Tutors will give you a lot of guidance as to how to deliver your lessons in the earlier stages of the course. However, substantial additional time outside of contact hours is required for lesson preparation in terms of: preparing the lesson, writing up a lesson plan, making your materials etc.
- Written Assignments
This is the second assessed component of the course. There are two pieces of written work which you must complete over the duration of the course. These are designed to help you integrate theory into practice. And while they are not meant to be long academic essays, an accurate and appropriate use of formal English is expected.
- Is there any homework?
Yes. You need to plan for lessons and complete a written lesson plan with language analysis sheet. You also have written assignments to complete. You will need your mid-course weekend to sort through your coursework, revise and organise your file.
- Overall commitment
As the course is full-time and very intensive, it is impossible to have any other commitments during the period of the course. Candidates will find they have to work in the evenings and at weekends. 100% attendance is expected. Exception can be made for illness or bereavement.
- Assessment
Assessment is integrated and continuous. This means that formal assessment is ongoing throughout the course and not dependent solely on your final performance or a final exam. Candidates who meet the requirements in both their Teaching Practice and the Written Assignments will be eligible for the certificate from Cambridge.
- Quality Control
All YL Extension courses around the world are moderated by an external assessor approved by Cambridge. They come in towards the end of the course to make sure you're getting the course that you're meant to be getting. They meet with tutors to discuss assessment of all the trainees and submit a formal report to Cambridge on the delivery of the course.
- Who are the trainers?
Trainers are always very experienced, highly qualified teachers who have been trained and approved by Cambridge to deliver the YL Extension course. The school works with a team of teacher trainers with a wealth of international and regional experience.
- Can I work while the course is running?
Not on a full-time course. You will have no time or energy to take on other responsibilities.
- I have young children/an elderly dependent. Is that going to be a problem?
You will need to arrange for someone else to collect/feed/entertain for the two weeks of the course. Do not underestimate the demands of the course on you. You will be tired in the evenings and busy at the weekend. We strongly recommend you talk to your children/dependents and explain that you will be very busy and not available in the same way. You could perhaps make it up to them once the course has finished.
- Is there anything I can do to prepare for the course?
Yes. Read Teaching English to Children by Scott & Ytreberg; The Pre-Course Task is based on your reading of this. We recommend you buy yourself a copy. Alternatively, look at the books by Jayne Moon or Susan Halliwell.
After you have completed the Pre-Course Task, you might like to discuss your answers with other candidates before the course begins. We will circulate email addresses.
If possible, ask to sit in on some YL classes at a local school (age range 8-13yrs) or offer to help at a club/activity centre or offer to look after a friend's children for an hour or two.
You could also look at some YL coursebooks in an English language bookshop.
If you have completed the Cambridge CELTA, it is assumed that you are competent/confident with language analysis. You may, however, need some revision before the course starts.
- I really don't think I want to deal with undisciplined teenagers. Is that going to be a problem?
Effective classroom management is a priority for all candidates. Your students will, on the whole, be well behaved. They come because they want to be in the class. We will show you how to get the best out of them and how to work with their energy and enthusiasms. The tutors will be in the classroom with you at all times. If there are exceptional behavioural issues, the tutors will intervene. You will quickly learn to share effective classroom management techniques with your peers. You will also quickly learn about the learning preferences of your students.
- I am dyslexic/dysgraphic. Is that a problem?
In itself, no. You will need to prepare strategies for dealing with written forms in your lessons (eg have materials proofread and already printed out). The issue on the course is your professionalism. Can you plan comprehensively? As you are dealing with YLs, clear written English is essential; that's why you have to complete the Application by hand so we can assess your handwriting. If this going to be problematic for you, then we need to see evidence of what strategies you use to manage this.
Errors in written English, however, may lead to a lesson or written assignment failing. If you are concerned, please raise the subject at your interview.
Accommodation Options
Exclusive corporate rates available at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel next to the school.
School Details - Dubai Jumeriah Beach
This organisation is the largest network of language schools in the world and is committed to providing and extending the highest standards of language teaching and teacher training. Established in London in 1953, they now have over 140 schools all over the world and are recognizable globally as one of the foremost language education providers available. This school has been open since 2005 and has continued the tradition of excellence and innovation in the region. It is located just off Sheikh Zayed road running through the heart of Dubai and near Jumeriah Beach. If you're thinking of coming from outside Dubai, why not come to the sun, sand and shopping of one the most modern and vibrant cities in the Middle East?
Help for Jobs
The school will direct trainees to appropriate job searching resources and provide access to the school's network of partner schools. They will also provide a detailed report upon course completion which acts as a reference. There may also be the possibility to take up teaching work at this school if possible.
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates