4-week TEFL Course London, United Kingdom
Cambridge CELTA
Course Details
Course ref. |
2008 |
Course Type |
4-week TEFL Course or equivalent |
Min Age |
19 |
Maximum Class Size |
18 |
Exam Board Fee Included |
Class Times |
Monday to Friday 10.00-18.00 or 12.00-20.00 |
Customer Feedback
The school was right in central London, in a very lively and nice area. The trainers were all extremely helpful and were an irreplaceable resource of knowledge and advice. They made it possible for us to enjoy the course and do the best we could to pass it.
- Sara Garfield - December, 2010
Trainers were good and very helpful. They knew what they were doing. They were experienced and knowledgeable. They were strict about the assignments but it is necessary.
- Aysel Kalcioglu - November 2010.
The school building was well-organised and maintained. The trainers were wonderful and supportive throughout the four-week course.
-Samantha Afflick-Smith-
The school was excellent everyone was very supportive and the trainers were very good. The course was really challenging and rewarding. There is a lot to do and you have to be really organised but there is so much to learn that it makes it an excellent month.
-Seamus Whitehead-
Because the school is a fully active teaching school, the practice for the CELTA course was extremely useful. The atmosphere was great for both the students of English and the students of teaching.
-Michael Butterworth-
The school was fantastic with a lovely atmosphere. The trainers were very supportive and extremely encouraging.
-Kate Gunn-
Course Description
The CELTA Teacher Training Course is an intensive four-week programme for those wishing to prepare for a career in English Language Teaching to adults. It covers the theory, materials, and practical techniques of teaching at levels ranging from beginners to late intermediate, and aims to provide a basis from which teachers can expand as they subsequently gain in experience. The course leads to the award of the Cambridge CELTA, formerly known as the RSA/Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (CTEFLA).
Course content
Following the syllabus laid down by the Royal Society of Arts and the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, the course aims to develop:
Practical awareness of:
Learners' cultural and individual needs, approaches to learning difficulties, motivation of adult learners.
Linguistic form, function and meaning appreciation of structure and function principles of selection and grading effects of subject matter and content importance of phonology.
Coursebooks and supplementary materials and their teachers books.
Special interest texts:
Authentic/non-authentic materials, commercially produced and teacher-made materials, reference works for teachers/learners.
Practical ability in:
Classroom Management and Lesson Planning, arranging the physical environment appropriately, planning individual lessons and series of lessons.
Presentation and practice of new Language:
Selecting language items appropriate to student's needs/levels division of the items into:
Learnable units, presentation skills, controlled practice, free practice, checking learning, checking understanding.
Developing students' skills:
Reading, listening, speaking, writing, integrating these four skills, selecting appropriate materials, having the ability to use a wide range of techniques to this end.
Background Reading
It is advisable to do some background reading before the Language Awareness Test. The following books are recommended for this purpose:
If your language awareness at present is weak - How English Works (Michael Swan & Catherine Walter), Longman .
If your language awareness at present is reasonable - Grammar for English Language Teaching (Martin Parrott), OUP.
And to get a better idea of the methodologies used in EFL teaching today - The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition (Jeremy Harmer), Longman
Following acceptance on the course, participants will be given a list of preliminary reading and tasks. At the centre, coursebooks and other material can be borrowed from the Teacher Training Library.
The course is an intensive full-time programme running for four weeks, 8 hours every weekday (including lunch-break). Course timetables may commence at 10am OR 12 noon depending on the availability and suitability of Teaching Practice groups at each possible timetable. Participants will be fully occupied and should plan to commit themselves exclusively to the course for this period. It is quite likely that some days will run on longer than expected. In the daily teaching practice sessions, trainees are split into microgroups of no more than six for teaching practice and observation (2 hours). Teaching practice feedback (1hour) and supervised lesson preparation (1 hour) is also in micro-groups. Input sessions (3 hours) are followed by all trainees together in one group. In addition to this, there will be observation of classes being taught by the school's regular teachers (mornings or afternoons by arrangement 8 hours in all). Some days will begin earlier or end later for observations.
Assessment and Accreditation
Participants are closely observed and graded throughout the course according to their performance in both the practical and theoretical sessions. Additionally, a limited number of tasks and written assignments will be counted in the grading. Stanton Teacher Training will issue a graded certificate of attendance and performance within a month of the conclusion of the course, and successful participants will be awarded the Cambridge/RSA Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (Cambridge CELTA) by the accrediting body, the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). An assessor from UCLES will scrutinise each course's activities for at least one full day (sometimes two days), and you should be prepared to be observed by the assessor if required.
Accommodation Options
The school can arrange homestay accommodation for you.
The price for 4 weeks in a single homestay on half-board is GBP 668. The price for a twin bedded room in a homestay on half-board is GBP 591 for 4 weeks .The price for a single room in a homestay on bed and breakfast is GBP 514 and GBP 477 for a twin room.
Homestay accommodation bookings are subject to a GBP 50 booking fee.
Please note that homestay bookings must be made at least 4 weeks before your arrival date.
The school recommends that students take B&B; as their workload means that they wouldn't always be home in time for dinner.
School Details - London Queensway
The school's main premises ares located in the centre of London, about three minutes from Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road. The second school building, where the CELTA course takes place, is located in Bayswater, one of the liveliest areas of West Central London. At the school there is continuous reinvestment in a programme of development for the benefit of staff and students. This has been the policy since the School's foundation in 1973.
Monday to Friday 10.00-18.00 or 12.00-20.00
Help for Jobs
As a CELTA Centre, the school receives requests for newly qualified teachers from schools round the world, with other information relevant to those who have recently completed the course. We display this on two noticeboards in the trainees\\\' preparation room, having announced new requests to those on the course at the time.
We have a session on finding a job/careers advice at the end of the course in which we discuss interviews, what it\\\'s like working abroad, etc. We give trainees a copy of a CV drawn up by a Teachers\\\' Recruitment Agency, showing what such an organisation would require.
Reading matter on careers is limited, but we give trainees a list of websites for EFL. On occasion, successful candidates are offered casual work in the school, but this is not guaranteed, and we do not give information about other local schools. We do, however, talk about continuing professional development and how to make progress after the course.
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates