4-week TEFL Course London, United Kingdom
Trinity Cert TESOL (175 hours)
Course Details
Course ref. |
1665 |
Course Type |
4-week TEFL Course or equivalent |
Min Age |
19 |
Maximum Class Size |
20 |
Exam Board Fee Included |
Class Times |
Five Weeks Full-Time
Monday - Friday
09.30 - 17.30 |
Customer Feedback
The day was excellent. The trainers were all of a high standard.
The course was informative and helped me make decisions as to my next step.
-Liza Dickson-
The quality of trainers was very good, Informative knowledgable!
I enjoyed most watching a class.
-David Chambers-
I thought the school was well organised and friendly, and that the trainers were excellent.
I enjoyed the taster course and felt it gave a good introduction to the TESOL offered by the school. I left feeling inspired and ready to sign up for the longer course.
-Rachael McFarlane-
Course Description
Course Description
All courses lead to the internationally recognised Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. (Trinity Cert.TESOL).
This is a Level 4 qualification, according to the Qualifications and Curriculums Authority (QCA) in the UK and is specified by the British Council as an essential initial qualification for EFL teachers in British Council Accredited Schools. The Trinity Cert.TESOL is a passport to good TEFL jobs in reputable schools all over the world.
Pioneers of the Five-week Course
The first thing you will notice about our timetable is that it covers five weeks full-time instead of the more usual four weeks that you will see on a CELTA course or most Trinity Cert.TESOL courses.
Our experience as employers and Diploma-level trainers has taught us that teachers completing short, four-week courses often lack the range of skills and knowledge to develop as we would wish after the course.
The five-week programme makes our course an impressive 175 hours of training. We use this extra Input time to cover methodology, phonology and grammar in more detail than other courses. We also allow for more observed teaching practice (typically over seven hours rather than the usual six, which is the minimum Trinity and CELTA courses allow).
Trainees at this school are not asked to teach until the second week. We believe there is little to be gained by assessing trainees in class on the first day (as is the case on most short courses). We teach you a lot about students, teachers and classroom management as well as about grammar and phonology before you are asked to put any of this into practice.
This is where we discuss the different approaches to the teaching of the English language that have been applied over the years. We look at traditional and current practice and thought. Only by developing awareness of the major schools of thought concerned with language acquisition and learning, can we make principled judgements about our own teaching and develop a genuine personal style.
Here, course tutors teach the secrets of analysing the language so that it can be discussed and explained effectively with students and colleagues. Most native speakers have an implicit knowledge of their own language but lack the explicit knowledge that professional teachers need.
In this part of the course, trainees learn about the sound system of spoken English. Individual sounds and connected speech are covered. By understanding how sounds are articulated, teachers can identify pronunciation errors and correct them more effectively.
Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice is the most important part of the course. Every trainee teaches at least two different levels. The classes are made up of genuine language students, who do not pay for these classes. Planning lessons, researching the points to be taught, managing the class-room, developing your voice, body language and other teaching qualities and skills all come to fruition through Teaching Practice.
After each lesson, trainees discuss the whole process with their peers and tutor before going on to plan the next one. Only through seeing you teach is it possible to develop your teaching skills. This is the most stressful and the most enjoyable part of the course. For this, trainees work in groups of four, with a dedicated trainer supervising and supporting their daily development.
The Student Profile
Many teachers find one-to-one teaching makes up a large part of their workload. To prepare for this, trainees work closely with an individual student to plan and deliver a programme based on his or her needs. Trainees teach two 60-minute lessons with their student and outline further lessons that would be appropriate, based on data gathered.
The Unknown Language Course
Instead of Teaching Practice in the first week, our trainees try out the methodology by participating in a course in a language they do not speak. This is methodology in action - the teacher will speak no English during the classes and you will find out how it works from the point of view of the students. This helps trainees to empathise with the students and be better prepared for Teaching Practice, when it starts in the second week.
Accommodation Options
Home-stay accommodation- Bed and Breakfast from GBP 130
Home-stay accommodation- Half Board from GBP 160
School Details - London Golders Green
The College was established in 1941. Since then, it has grown to include teacher training as well as English language courses in London.
The College is located in a pleasant and safe residential part of north London, yet is only 15 minutes by tube from Oxford Street.
The large training team is exceptionally qualified and experienced and we believe you will not find a better course at any price anywhere. The College has excellent links with employers worldwide and actively works to help successful trainees get good EFL jobs after the course.
Applicants will notice thet we offer a five-week full-time course with 175 hours of tuition on our Trinity Cert.TESOL course. This is significantly more than most, if not all our competitors offering Cert.TESOL and CELTA as initial training.
Five Weeks Full-Time
Monday - Friday
09.30 - 17.30
Help for Jobs
As long-established providers of Trinity Cert.TESOL courses, we are in regular contact with schools and colleges from all over the world seeking to employ our graduates as newly qualified teachers.
The school advises and coaches trainees through the process of sifting through advertisements, preparing for interviews, selecting the right job, the realities of working abroad and many other related matters.
At the end of the course, trainees will be presented with the opportunity to apply for current vacancies with reputable agencies, who visit the College to make face-to-face contact. As a large employer of teachers in our London EFL College, we do regularly employ our ex-trainees. This may be directly from the course or after they return from a year or two working overseas.
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates