TEFL Refresher Brighton, United Kingdom

TEC (Teachers of English Course) with optional TKT preparation

Important Information

**This course is eligible for Comenius funding**

Information about Comenius and Grundtvig funding

Course Details

Customer Feedback

The school was great - fantastic students and location. The course was great and I've learnt a lot. I feel confident enough to be a teacher now after this month. The trainers were great - both seemed to have a slightly different approach but both were very encouraging and knowledgable.

Tessa Okell

The school was excellent and the trainers were very helpful and supportive throughout the course

Rebecca Knowles

Course Description

The TEC (Teachers of English Course) is a teacher development course for teachers of English.

The main elements of the course are:

� Language development
� The background to language learning and teaching
� Different methodologies for teaching
� Classroom management and practical teaching skills
� Lesson planning
� Teaching resources and aids
� Observation of experienced teachers

Other elements are added to suit particular professional needs.

Who is TEC for?
TEC is a teacher development course for teachers of English from all over the world who would like to:

� improve their English for professional and personal reasons.
� develop and explore aspects of teaching methodology and teaching techniques.
� assess and make use of a variety of teaching aids and resources.
� share and discuss their experiences of teaching with other teachers from all over the world.

Your level of English should be at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
(This is equivalent to Cambridge FCE, IELTS band score of 5, TOEFL computer-based score of 173).

What does the TEC involve?
� These are intensive 2, 3 or 4-week courses in the UK.
� There is no formal assessment on the course.
� Courses contain core elements and additional elements, which are negotiated before and during the course.
� Your classmates are teachers from all over the world.
� You are given the option of preparing for Cambridge TKT (See TKT). This aspect is assessed.
� You will receive a certificate of attendance and a St Giles Teachers of English Course Certificate

Note: It is possible for any �closed� group of teachers from one institution or a group of institutions in one area to organise this course at any time of year that is convenient.

Funding for these courses is available for EU teachers under the EU Comenius-Grundtvig Programme.

Optional: Teachers of English Course (TEC) plus TKT
TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) is a Cambridge award testing professional knowledge for English language teachers.

It aims to increase teachers' confidence and enhance job prospects by focusing on the core teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult learners, anywhere in the world. It does not test teaching ability or a teacher�s language proficiency.

TKT focuses on:

� different methodologies for teaching
� the 'language of teaching'
� the ways in which resources can be used
� the key elements of lesson planning
� classroom management methods for different needs

What does TKT involve?

TKT has three modules. These can be taken together at the same time, or separately, in any order, over a period of time. For each module there is a test of 80 questions which lasts 80 minutes. Candidates must select the correct answer and mark this on a computerised answer sheet.

Module 1 - Language and background to language learning and teaching
Module 2 - Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching
Module 3 - Managing the teaching and learning process

You receive a grade from Band 1 (lowest) to Band 4 (highest). TKT is not a pass/fail test.

The Teachers of English Course (TEC) plus TKT is an optional preparation for TKT included in the Teachers of English course. Interested teachers must let the school know 2 months in advance if they want to take the exam. The exam fee is the only additional charge (�25 per module, max. �75).

Accommodation Options

�117 per week in July and August for a single room with breakfast and dinner every day and a light lunch at the weekends.

School Details - Brighton Central

Today, with 50 years' experience teaching English and running schools, the St Giles Group of colleges is one of the largest and most successful international English language training organisations, with a total of seven schools worldwide. All our UK centres are accredited by the British Council and are members of English UK (formerly ARELS). The teacher training courses at St Giles Brighton is validated by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES).



Help for Jobs

This school is part of a large and prestigious group of language schools.

How to Apply

1. Choose the start date which interests you.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
6. We will keep you posted by email throughout the process.

You can also submit an application by fax, or post. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you would like us to post you an empty application form.

Prices and Dates

Please choose your preferred start date

2 weeks course starting 12/07/2010 for
2 weeks course starting 26/07/2010 for