minutes activities by Penny Ur & Andrew Wright Cambridge University
Minute Activities is a collection of over 100 ideas for the foreign
language classroom, all of which can be used effectively with little
or no preparation. The collection offers a convenient reference
for established activities and an introduction to a large number
of new ones. The activities can vary pace and content, provide transitions,
and otherwise contribute to the "well-orchestrated" lesson;
give an opportunity for brief review and practice of vocabulary
or grammar; help students and teacher to get to know each other;
and offer extra material when a teacher has to fill in for a colleague
at short notice.
Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer
ISBN 0 582 40385 5
complete reference work for teachers of English as a second or foreign
This third edition of The Practice of English Language Teaching
is a comprehensive, up-to-date account of the theory and practice
of English language teaching. Of great value to the experienced
and inexperienced teacher alike, it outlines recent developments
and established views in the areas of methodology, theory, and applied
linguistics, as well as providing extensive down-to-earth guidance
in classroom practice.
It is full of practical ideas and samples from current teaching
materials. It contains follow-up tasks for each chapter, a thorough
bibliography, and indexes by subject and author.
and Principals in Language Teaching by Diane Larsen-Freeman. Oxford
University Press, 2000
ISBN: 0194355748
A fully
revised and updated edition of this popular introduction to language
teaching methodology, which describes different methods and approaches
in language teaching. It provides practical, step-by-step guidance
for new teachers and introduces more experienced teachers to new
approaches and teaching ideas.
the Lexical Approach by Michael Lewis
English Language Publication, 1997
ISBN: 1899396608
the Lexical Approach shows clearly how lexis, grammar and phonology
interact in ways which directly affect how learners store new language.
It provides teachers with a comprehensive set of step-by-step changes
which combine to ensure more effective teaching and more efficient
languages are learned by Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada. Oxford
University Press, 1999
USBN: 0194370003
book is a comprehensive and readable introduction to how languages
are learned. It presents the main theories of first and second language
acquisition, and, with the help of activities and questionnaires,
discusses their practical implications for language teaching.
learner-centered curriculum by David Nunan
Cambridge University Press, 1988
ISBN: 0521358434
the curriculum has been regarded as a statement of what should be
done in a course of study. This book takes as its starting point
what is done by language teachers in their classes. Nunan develops
a concept of the negotiated model in which the curriculum is a collaboration
between teachers and students. The author looks at the curriculum
from a teacher's perspective and reports on what instructors focus
on in planning, implementing, and evaluating language courses. He
synthesizes theoretical models and recent empirical studies, and
considers the vital part by curriculum design in coordinating the
many aspects of language teaching.
Development in Language Teaching by Brian Tomlinson. Cambridge University
Press, 1998
ISBN: 0 521 57419 6
volume consists of seventeen chapters on current issues in developing
materials for language teaching. The main objective of the book
is to help readers to apply current theoretical principles and research
findings to the practical realities of developing classroom materials.
for Language Teachers by Martin Parrott
Cambridge University Press, 1993
ISBN: 0521426669
practical resource book for teacher trainers and teachers of English
and other languages provides task material for training seminars
and development groups. The topics are wide-ranging - from the nature
and processes of language learning to specific materials and techniques
for use by teachers. The Tasks are designed to stimulate meaningful
discussion of issues related to language teaching and learning.
The book contains 40 Tasks, of two types. The Discussion Tasks are
designed to allow users to examine general principles and issues
in the context of their specific teaching circumstances, and to
exchange ideas. The Classroom-based Tasks provide users with a practical
framework for small-scale classroom research - testing out ideas,
assumptions and hypotheses in the context of their own classes and
learners. The book is suitable for: - participants in courses leading
to formal professional qualifications - teachers involved in institutional
in-service training programs - teachers involved in informal professional
Framework for Task-based learning by Jane Willis
Longman, 1996
ISBN: 0582259738
is a user-friendly guide to the theory and practice of task-based
learning for the classroom teacher. The book shows how the task-based
approach can be used to deal with all ages and levels, including
mixed-ability classes, integrated skills and corpus work, and grammatical
Lessons and Courses by Tessa Woodward
Cambridge University Press, 2001
ISBN: 0521633540
the idea of lesson planning make your heart sink? Are you looking
for a book that will take the everyday reality of the language classroom
and translate it into a successful scheme of work? Planning Lessons
and Courses provides a step-by-step approach to lesson planning.
Although easily accessible, the ideas presented are rooted in established
educational theory. It contains both thought-provoking analysis
on the roles of the teacher and clear explanations of key principles.
The chapters are based on real life questions such as: What can
go into a lesson or course? How do people learn? How can I teach?
What materials can I choose? How can I get started on planning?
This book will help inexperienced teachers gain confidence in establishing
sound working practices and will give more experienced teachers
ideas to refresh their routines. Planning Lessons and Courses deserves
to be on every EFL teacher's desk.
Course in Language Teaching Trainee Book by Penny Ur
Cambridge University Press, 1999
ISBN: 0521656249
This book provides all the task material, essential reading and worksheets
from A Course in Language Teaching, but without background information,
bibliographies, notes or solutions. The tasks, which focus on both
practical and theoretical aspects, are designed to encourage critical
reflection on key topics of language teaching. It is suitable for
those studying on a trainer-led course, where the trainer is available
to provide input, guidance and feedback.
by Peter Grundy
Oxford University Press, 2001
ISBN: 0194372006
volume contains over 100 activities for both absolute and 'false'
beginners, and for adults and children. It provides stimulating
and communicative activities, including imaginative adaptations
of games and includes a section specifically for use with learners
unfamiliar with the Roman alphabet.
Dynamics by Jill Hadfield
Oxford University Press, 1992
ISBN: 0194371476
volume explores the problems teachers have managing groups, and
suggests various strategies which can be used to lead groups more
effectively. It examines the characteristics of a successful group
and provides over 100 activities designed to foster a cohesive and
supportive group atmosphere.
English by Michael Swan and Bernard Smith
Cambridge University Press, 2001
ISBN: 0521779391
English is a well-established and successful reference book for
teachers of British English. This new edition builds on the success
of the original book. It has been rewritten and extended to provide
information on the typical problems and error-patterns of a wide
range of learners of English from particular language backgrounds.
It compares the relevant features of the students' own language
with English, helping teachers to predict and understand the problems
that students have. The new book has twenty-two chapters dealing
with learners who speak Dutch-Flemish, Scandinavian languages (except
Finnish), German, French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese,
Greek, Russian, Polish, Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, South Asian languages
(with a separate chapter on Dravidian languages), West African languages,
Swahili, Malay/Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Thai. An
audio cassette and audio CD are available separately. These contain
authentic examples of the various accents described in the book.
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