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TEFL methodology course available!

Dear [name],

We are sure you enjoyed your English Language Awareness course, and we have some great news for you today from Cactus TEFL!

We are delighted to tell you that the brand new Cactus Online TEFL methodology course is now available!

This course has been designed as a companion and an extension to ELA, and will give you a sound and thorough foundation in TEFL methodology.

The new Online Methodology Course, also written by ELA author John Hughes, is a synthesis of our knowledge and experience into a "Useful, practical, thorough, excellent" - (Jan Bateman, CELTA trainer and assessor) online course.

If you follow this course, on offer to you at a Special Launch Price, you will have language awareness and methodology, both essential for an English teacher, under your belt.

Special discounted price 10% off, only £198! Your promo code is didela10

Don't delay! Book NOW at a discounted price - our Special Launch Offer is only available until the end of April.

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