Canterbury, Cambridge, Bath, London - United Kingdom
Contract Type
Contract Duration
1 month
Salary Range
£300 per week
Job Description
Position: Summer School Teacher
•You will report to the Directors of your Centre, who will allocate duties to you.
•You will teach a total of fifteen hours a week, which is divided into three hours every morning of four forty five minute lessons.
•You are required to do five activities per week. Once you have signed up for your activities, it is your responsibility to do them. If you are unable to do so, then you must find a replacement. The Social Organiser must approve this change.
•You will co-ordinate your lessons with your pair teacher, spending adequate time preparing these lessons so that students’ needs and language development are met. If any problems arise, you will liaise with your pair teacher and the Academic Director.
•You will administer the placement test and place the total score on the class grid provided. After tests are all corrected, you will hand the tests and results sheet to the Academic Director.
•All photocopying must be done the day before. You will not be able to use the photocopier in the morning since this causes a number of obvious problems.
•You are required to arrive at your classroom five minutes before the class begins. If you are in need of resources or other kinds of help, do not leave your classroom unattended. Instead you should send a student to the office with your requests.
•You will also keep a daily record of your lessons. These records will be handed weekly to the Academic Director. In addition, you will keep a daily attendance register for students, notifying the Academic Director of any absentees or latecomers as soon as possible. You need to make sure your registers are filled out completely, clearly and accurately. Any class changes must be approved by the Academic Director before you make this change on your register.
•A copy of your register should be placed on your classroom door and to be taken with you when there is a fire drill.
•Each week, you will teach to one or two themes. Your lessons will reflect these themes. You will also prepare the students for their excursions and other activities which are also theme- related. English in Action afternoons should also be centred around these themes.
•Course reports and certificates will be due according to the academic schedule which will be given to you at the start of the course. It is imperative that student names are spelled correctly, the information is accurate and the writing is legible.
•If a student misbehaves, do not shout at or insult this student. There are several ways of handling misbehaviour which your Academic Director will discuss with you. If a student’s misbehaviour is extreme, then send this student to the Academic Director’s office.
•It is crucial that you attend all meetings for brainstorming, information, updates and clarification.
•Residential teachers will also be responsible for students whenever on site. You will have additional duties including supervision of games, videos, evening meals, and any other extra-curricular activities. You may be asked to wake students in the morning and to put them to bed at night, but this will be on a rota basis.
•On excursions you are to remain with the group for the entire time. You will give out maps, itineraries and any other information that has been prepared for your group. Make certain that you have a coach list, an excursion protocol sheet, a voucher or cheque (if necessary) and a mobile.
•You will take roll call at the beginning and end of the trip. Let the group leader help you with this task. Each student should have a contact card that has been filled out correctly. Always tell the group to meet back at the coach fifteen minutes early.
•You will perform your duties in a professional manner and dress appropriately for your position. You will also maintain a high standard of behaviour, setting an example of sobriety and treating all students fairly, with due attention to propriety. It is a fundamental principle of Concorde International that students learn best in a relaxed, friendly and participatory environment, and you will promote this atmosphere both inside and outside the classroom.
•You are expected to show a positive attitude at all times, which means you are not to complain about Concorde’s policies, programmes or personnel in front of agents, group leaders or students. If you have a grievance, please refer to your contract about your rights. All such matters should be discussed only with the Director of Vacation Courses.
RSA CELTA/Trinity Cert TESOL or equivalent
Native or minimum near-native competency in English
Must be eligible to live and work in the UK
Skill Range
Work as part of a team.
Preparing and teaching a variety of lessons to juniors and/or adults.
This job has been viewed 921
Vacancy updated:12/02/2009