St. Giles Junior Summer Camps
In 2009 St. Giles International will be running British Council accredited Junior Residential Summer Camps, ages 10 to 18, at Kingston University (5th July - 23rd August), The University of Reading (5th July - 23rd August), The University of Nottingham (28th June - 9th August) and Southampton Solent University (5th July - 16th August).
We are currently recruiting the following: Residential Director of Studies, Residential Teachers and Non-Residential Teachers, Activity Organisers and Activity Monitors.
Classes have a maximum size of 15 students and will range from beginner to advanced level. Lessons will be based on modern mainstream course books and supplemented with resources used by St. Giles International in its main schools. There is also a full activity programme for the students including one full day and one half day excursion a week.
For full job descriptions and salaries please contact Simon Hayward, Director of Junior Courses, St. Giles International [email protected]
Director of Studies (Nottingham)
Main Duties
The DOS will deputise for the Centre Manage in his / her absence and will be aware of all emergency procedures. The DOS will timetable teachers to the appropriate classes, ensure the quality of teaching by observations and training sessions, monitor materials and resources and maintain British Council standards.
Working Hours
The Director of Studies works 6 days out of 7 each week.
Residential Teachers (All Centres)
Main Duties and Working Hours
Teachers will teach twenty 50-minute lessons a week over 5 mornings. They will also be required to work additional hours per week supervising students in the residence, escorting students on excursions, participating in sports and activities and supervising students, as well as attending teachers’ meetings, teacher development sessions and the induction day. Staff will have one day off a week, normally a Sunday or a Thursday. The total working week is 48 hours.
Non-Residential Teachers (All Centres)
Main Duties and Working Hours
Teachers will teach twenty 50-minute lessons a week over 5 mornings. They may also take part in the activity programme at a standard pay rate when agreed with the Centre Manager. The standard is 20 hours and 20 minutes per week. Staff will have one or two days off a week as agreed with the Centre Manager.
Director of Studies
Applicants should be: DELTA or equivalent qualified teachers or CELTA/Trinity TESOL with DOS experience,. Computer literacy is required in word processing and spreadsheets. Additional training will be given in class management programmes. Experience of teaching juniors is beneficial.
Residential/ Non-Residential Teachers
Applicants should be: CELTA, Trinity TESOL or B.Ed (with languages) qualified teachers, other qualifications meeting British Council recognised junior course standards will also be considered. Experience of teaching juniors on a residential course would be beneficial but enthusiasm, motivation and being part of a team are just as important. We welcome teachers who are only available for shorter work periods starting at the end of June or the beginning of July.
Weekly rates for basic contracts are:
Residential teachers; £276 per week plus board and lodging and 12.1% holiday pay. (48 hours total)
Non-residential teachers: £389.30 per week and 12.1% holiday pay. (37 hours total).
DOS; £475 per week plus board and lodging and 12.1% holiday pay plus bonus.
Residential Activity Organiser; £276 per week plus board and lodging and 12.1% holiday pay. (55 hours total)
Non-residential activity monitors: £253.20 per week and 12.1% holiday pay. (40 hours total).
This job has been viewed 823
Vacancy updated:24/02/2009