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  :: Cactus TEFL Online English Language Methodology Course

This course is a companion course to the popular Cactus ELA (English Language Awareness) course, and can be followed before, after or at the same time as ELA.

Who is it for?

ELM is a course for people who...

  • are thinking of taking a CELTA or Cert TESOL but want an pre-course introduction before making a final decision.
  • would like to prepare in detail before taking a course such as a CELTA or Cert TESOL.
  • are already teaching EFL without a qualification who want to formally learn about TEFL methodology.
  • plan to teach EFL on a gap year or voluntarily and would like an introduction.
  • are returning to a career in TEFL and need a refresher.
  • have completed the Cactus ELA course and now want to look at the methodology of teaching the language they analysed on ELA.

Key features of ELM

The course includes...

  • a full overview of the key methodology for new teachers
  • online tutor support
  • video and sound components with extracts from real lessons
  • quizzes and review exercises to check your progress
  • assignments which you complete and receive feedback on
  • tutor-led discussion forums with opportunities to meet other course participants
  • a resource of links and reading to orientate you to the world of TEFL
  • current methodology and new innovations in TEFL which is regularly updated

Don't miss out!

If you have done ELA, look out for special promotion prices and our combined course price and other offers.