4-week TEFL Course Barcelona, Spain
Cambridge CELTA
Course Details
Course ref. |
2017 |
Course Type |
4-week TEFL Course or equivalent |
Min Age |
18 |
Maximum Class Size |
12 |
Exam Board Fee Included |
Class Times |
Monday-Friday 9.30 - 17.15 |
Customer Feedback
The school had a very competent, good staff. They were very patient with the trainees and had a lot of knowledge to share. It is intense and requires a great deal of focus and commitment. There is a lot of feedback and you have to bite the bullet and listen to constructive criticism. - Heidi Kaiser - March, 2011
I was very satisfied with the course and the teaching. The trainers were friendly, experienced and patient.
I thought that the school had a nice atmosphere. The staff seemed to get on well with each other and it seemed that the school was supportive of staff development.
- Joshua Morgan -
The quality of the trainers was excellent throughtout the course.
The assignments were all completely appropriate for the course, and neccessary. The session's input was very interesting engaging and interactive.
Yiannis Panayiotopoulos
Course Description
Course Details
The CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching for Adults) is an initial qualification for people who want to become teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It is awarded by the University of Cambridge (ESOL Examinations) and is aimed at people with little or no experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is usually done intensively over four or five weeks.
Enrolment Procedure
Ideally you should:
* have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education
* be aged 20 or over
* have a standard of English which will enable you to teach at a range of levels.
We may still accept you if you do not have formal qualifications at this level but can show that you would be likely to complete the course successfully. Equally, we may accept applicants aged between 18 and 20 if we feel that you will be able to cope with the demands of the course.
Duration of this Course
This centre is the only centre in Catalonia to offer the five-week option and one of the few in the world. There are various advantages to this additional course week. First of all, the CELTA course prepares you to teach general English to adults. However, these days, most jobs involve teaching business students or young learners too. On the 5-week course, we have more time to prepare you for teaching in these other contexts. On a five-week course, you have more time to assimilate what you have been taught in the input sessions and to put the ideas you learn on the course into practice. Four-week courses can be extremely stressful, which can adversely affect your performance on the course. In fact, many four-week centres warn prospective applicants about this danger before accepting them on the course. The five-week course is less stressful. (It's still hard work, though)! Finally , this five-week course is cheaper than the four-week CELTA courses available in Barcelona.
Course content and assessment
The course consists of 4 main elements:
* Input sessions - These are led by a trainer but are usually collaborative workshops rather than lectures. There are six main units of learning:
* Language awareness
* The learner, the teacher and the teaching/learning context
* Planning for effective teaching of adult learners of English
* Classroom management and teaching skills for teaching English to adults
* Resources and materials for teaching English to adults
* Professional development for teachers of English to adults
* Teaching Practice - You will teach for a total of six hours, working with classes at two levels of ability. You start off teaching a 15 -minute teaching session and gradually build up to a one-hour session.
* Written Assignments - You will complete four written assignments: two on teaching and learning English at adult level; one on the language systems of English (grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling etc); and one on classroom teaching.
Observation of experienced teachers - This is a requirement of the course and a very useful part of the training process. At this school there is an impressive team of very experienced teachers who will be happy to let you watch their classes.
Assessment and grading
There are no written examinations. CELTA course grades are based on continual assessment. You will receive marks for various components of the course throughout its duration. There are two official tutorials during the course in which your tutors will let you know how you are doing and will advise you which areas you need to work on. They will also give you regular feedback on a daily basis and will try to help you as much as they can. We want you to pass the course and to pass with a good grade.
An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge ESOL moderates each course to check that the grades awarded are in line with the standards laid down by the University of Cambridge (ESOL Examinations). There are two components of assessment:
* Teaching Practice - Assessment is based on your overall performance at the end of the six hours.
* Written Assignments
To be awarded the Certificate, you must pass both components. There are three grades - Pass, Pass 'B' and Pass 'A'. Usually, about 70% of trainees get a 'pass', while about 22% can expect to get a 'pass B' and about 3% a 'pass A'.
The grades are decided by your tutors. The course is moderated by the University of Cambridge (ESOL Examinations), which means that a person is sent to our centre to check that the course is being conducted according to the strict guidelines laid down by the University.
Certificate and progress reports
Trainees who pass the course will be awarded the Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations) 'Certificate in English Language Teaching'. They will also receive a report on their progress on the course, which they can show to prospective employers. This report details your strengths as a trainee and also mentions one or two areas that you need to focus on in the future.
Job Assistance on the course
The school will give you advice about how to write a suitable CV and letter of application. They will also inform you about the kind of salary and conditions you can expect in language schools in Spain. They may also be able to offer you work in our own schools depending on the time of the year and whether we have vacancies. We often tend to need new teachers to start in October. Finally they will provide you with a list of other schools in Catalonia to which you can apply for work. Upon completion of your course you will be given a progress report and certificate if you pass the course, which you can show to prospective employers.
Accommodation Options
Accommodation can be arranged through the school for you.
Most trainees stay in a room in a local flat or house. Many homestay hosts are young, single professional people who have a spare room in their house or flat. Sometimes, but less often, they are families with children.
In your room, you will have a bed, a wardrobe and a workspace (occasionally, the workspace is in another part of the home). You will have access to the bathroom and the kitchen. We are proud to say that trainees are nearly always very happy with their accommodation despite the fact that it is very cheap.
The price is 395 Euro for the whole 5-week period (from the Friday night before the course begins until the Friday night that the course ends inclusive) plus a deposit of 100 Euro. The deposit is returned at the end of the course providing there have been no breakages or damage in the accommodation.
If you wish to stay extra days before or after the course, this is usually possible, as long as you arrange it beforehand and pay proportionally for the extra days.
Another option if for you to arrange accommodation in a pension or hotel nearby.
The Alpi Pension is very central and very cheap, if rather basic.
It costs 120 Euro a week or 600 Euro for the whole 5-week course.
There are a number of hotels in and around the town. The cost is about 70 Euros a night, which is substantially cheaper than most hotels in Barcelona city. Obviously, though, it is quite a lot more expensive than the other options.
information and price is unchanged for 2012 except that we would like you to eliminate the information about the Alpi pension and hotels. (The last two paragraphs.)
School Details - Barcelona Granollers
The Granollers centre was set up in 1984. It is situated 20 kilometres outside Barcelona in an attractive Catalan market town, far enough away from the distractions of the big city to allow you to devote all your time to the course in the week, but close enough to Barcelona to visit easily at weekends. The teacher training centre is situated right in the centre of the town so we are surrounded by bars and restaurants where you can eat cheaply and well. It is also within easy reach of Barcelona, the Mediterranean coast and the Pyrenees if you want to do a bit of sightseeing at the weekends. In fact, they organise optional visits to places of interest at weekends because we feel that it can be beneficial for trainees to have at least one day a week in which they are not thinking about teaching. The school has a wide range of facilities , which include air-conditioned rooms, a well-stocked resource library, computers, overhead projectors, video and DVD players etc
Barcelona will go down in history as an essential all-time experience. Different people will be seduced by different things, so take your pickÃÂÃÂ
will it be the almost arrogant individuality of a city with its own language and history, the effortless juxtaposition of Gothic and Renaissance, Byzantine and Romanesque, the dangerously inviting boutiques, or quite simply that old Spanish knack of bringing out lazy, sangria-filled lunches under a hot Mediterranean sun? Quintessentially Spanish yet unique in so many ways, make of Barcelona what you will. But whatever your vice, don't fight it - because you can be sure nobody else is.
Monday-Friday 9.30 - 17.15
Help for Jobs
Finding a job in EFL is relatively easy. Finding a good job is more difficult. We do everything we can to make sure that you get a good job.
Many of our ex-CELTA trainees accept work in our own rapidly-expanding and prestigious organisation, which offers amongst the best salaries and conditions in Spain.
On the CELTA course itself, we advise you about where to find jobs, writing CV�s, the interview, salaries and conditions etc. We have a daily updated jobs board and provide you with a list of local schools with contact details. We have close contacts with a number of international recruiting organisations and we have an e-mail distribution list in which we send all ex-trainees details of job vacancies.
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates