4-week TEFL Course Sydney, Australia
Cambridge CELTA
Important Information
The prices listed below do not include the Cambridge exam fee- this will be paid directly to the school on the first day of your course, and will be around AUD$ 270.
Please note that the price includes a 450 USD international processing fee added by the school.
Course Details
Course ref. |
1702 |
Course Type |
4-week TEFL Course or equivalent |
Min Age |
18 |
Maximum Class Size |
6 |
Class Times |
4 weeks full-time
Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 5.30pm
Course Description
The Cambridge CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is intended for those without previous teaching experience who wish to enter the English language teaching (ELT) profession, and for teachers with some prior experience but no formal qualification in this field. The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate is responsible for its validation and certification. It is taught in 50 countries around the world. As such the course content is known and accepted throughout the ELT industry as an international benchmark qualification, making it the most widely recognised TESOL / TEFL qualification of its kind in the world.
Course Description
The Cambridge CELTA can be undertaken as a full time (4 weeks) or part time (12 weeks) course. It is highly practical and aims to lay a firm foundation upon which a teacher can build with experience. Teaching practice is a major focus of the Certificate and is conducted with real students. The Certificate deals extensively with analysis of English from a learner's perspective
Class sizes are small, with the maximum number of participants being six to one trainer.
The Cambridge CELTA course is designed to equip candidates with the teaching skills to teach adults in a variety of teaching contexts: general English, business English, exam preparation and academic English programmes.
Cambridge CELTA graduates will also obtain skills necessary to teach children in the English classroom.
Overall the course requires
-A minimum of 106 contact hours between participants and trainers including input, tutorial support, supervised lesson planning, peer observation and feedback on teaching practice
-6 hours teaching practice with foreign learners observed by a trainer
-8 hours directed observation of lessons taught by experienced teachers
Course Contents
Syllabus overview
1) Learners and teachers and the teaching and learning context:
- cultural, linguistics and educational backgrounds
- motivations for learning English as an adult
- learning and teaching styles
- context for learning and teaching English
- varieties of English
- multilingualism and the role of first languages.
2) Language analysis and awareness
- basic concepts and terminology used in ELT for describing form and meaning in
language and language use
- grammar - grammatical frameworks: rules and conventions relating to words,
sentences, paragraphs and text
- lexis: what it means to “know” a word; semantic relationships between words
- phonology: the formation and description of English phonemes; features of connected
- the practical significance of similarities and differences between languages
reference materials for language awareness
- key strategies and approaches for developing learners’ language knowledge.
3) Language skills: Reading
- basic concepts and terminology used for describing reading skills
- purposes of reading
- decoding meaning
- potential barriers to reading.
4) Language skills: Listening
- basic concepts and terminology used for describing listening skills
- features of listening texts
- potential barriers to listening.
5) Language skills: Speaking
- basic concepts and terminology used for describing speaking skills
- features of spoken English
- language functions
- paralinguistic features
- phonemic systems.
6) Language skills: Writing
- basic concepts and terminology used for describing writing skills
- sub-skills and features of written texts
- stages of teaching writing
- beginner literacy
- English spelling and punctuation.
7) Planning and resources
- Principles of planning for effective teaching of adult learners of English
lesson planning for effective teaching
- evaluation of lesson planning
- the selection, adaptation and evaluation of materials and resources in planning
- knowledge of commercially produced resources and non-published materials and
classroom resources.
8) Developing teaching skills and professionalism
- the effective organisation of the classroom
- classroom presence and control
- the use of teaching materials and resources
- practical skills for teaching at a range of levels
- monitoring and evaluation of adult learners
- teaching practice and observation
- evaluation of the teaching / learning process
- professional development: responsibilities and support systems.
Course assessment
Assessment is criterion referenced, integrated and continuous. There is no formal final examination. The course and the assignments are of a highly practical nature. While classroom teaching practice is of the greatest importance, all aspects of performance and work done on the course are taken into consideration, including written work and overall professionalism. Candidates are informed of their progress during the course by written commentary on their teaching practice and assignments, and by tutorial. The course trainer assesses candidates and an external assessor appointed by Cambridge University regulates the results to standardise grades.
The Cambridge CELTA is awarded to candidates who satisfy all assessment criteria and complete all course requirements. The grades of the certificate are Pass, Pass B, Pass A or "No Certificate Awarded". Candidates who successfully complete the course, receive both the Cambridge CELTA and a report from International House. The report describes the candidate's performance in some detail and serves as a useful reference for employment.
The Cambridge CELTA is recognised by leading universities around the world. CELTA graduates can receive subject credits towards related Degree, Post Graduate and Masters programmes.
Accommodation Options
Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere staying at a local Australian host family in the proximity of the school after a hard day's work on-course. Staying on half-board basis means you won't have to worry about your evening meals so that you can dedicate all your time planning lessons for the next day! In the weekends, lunch is included in the package. (Minimum booking is 2 weeks)
Approximately $265 AUD per week, plus $250 AUD Homestay booking fee.
The school also offers an airport shuttle for $140 AUD (one-way).
School Details - Sydney Clarence Street
International House Sydney ÃÂ Teacher Training & Professional Centre (TTPC)
IH Sydney ÃÂ TTPC is the specialist TESOL teacher training centre of the International House World Organisation (IHWO). IHWO is the oldest and largest network of independent language schools in the world, consisting of 110 schools in 45 countries.
Built as a specific purpose centre IH Sydney - TTPC offers a truly unique TESOL environment. Its trainee teachers get a superior level of tuition. All IH Sydney ÃÂ TTPC trainers are at the top of their field. Each has a minimum of 12 years teaching / training experience, they have achieved the highest teaching qualification within the Cambridge system and are post graduate university qualified. They bring international experience to the centre, having worked in over 26 countries, and are enthusiastic about passing their knowledge onto their trainees.
Training over 600 teachers a year, IH Sydney ÃÂ TTPC is one of the largest TESOL institutes in the world. It is the only TESOL centre accredited by Cambridge University, VETAB (Australian Government), NEAS (National ELT Accreditation Scheme) and J-Shine (Japan). Its quality is guaranteed.
IH Sydney ÃÂ TTPC works with individuals, schools, universities and governments to provide TESOL services locally and abroad. Its commitment to quality training and customised approach to syllabus design and delivery are central to its goal of raising the standards of English language teaching (ELT) worldwide. It is able to provide a broader range of TESOL products and services than an independent language school and a more specialised focus than a multi disciplinary university.
Sydney really does have it all. The gleaming city centre with its futuristic skyline is connected across the winding bay by the arc of the Harbour bridge. The city boasts some of the world's best city beaches in Bondi and Manly, and the city centre has a nightlife that rivals any in the world. Despite a population of almost 2 million you can travel an hour inland and find yourself in the Blue Mountains stretching, unbroken, out of sight. Travel north or south along the coast and find yourself on miles of deserted white sandy beach. Rest assured, you will never want to leave!
4 weeks full-time
Monday to Friday, 9.30am - 5.30pm
How to Apply
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Prices and Dates