TEFL - Online Cambridge CELTA London, United Kingdom

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London Covent Garden

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Prices and Dates

Please contact us on 0845 130 4775 (UK) or +44 1273 830 960 (International) or [email protected] to register your interest. Remember to quote the course reference code C0-8904.

Online Cambridge CELTA

Course ref: 8904
Course Type: Cambridge CELTA
Location: London, United Kingdom
Min Age: 18
Maximum Class Size: 12
Exam Board Fee Included:
Class Times: 10.00 � 18:00 (UK Time)

Important Information

Course is entirely online (all sessions + teaching practice).

School Details - London Covent Garden

This is an excellent school located in Covent Garden, but positioned within walking distance of four tube stations; Tottenham Court Road Station, Holborn Station, Leicester Square Station. The administration staff and teachers are extremely friendly and always happy to answer your questions.

Not only are the courses of an extremely high standard, but the school itself is very special, with a very large computer room, free internet access and wide variety of electronic materials, a video room and language laboratory, library, bookshop, drinks areas, fully licensed bar and cafeteria...

The school, with over 150 schools worldwide, has a truly international reputation for quality and professionalism.

Over the last 50 years, the school has been at the forefront of teacher training in English language teaching. Many of the most widely used English language course books have also been written by the teachers of the school. During your course you will most likely feel the benefits of this love for language and love of learning for yourself.

Course Description

The Online CELTA course is the exact same high-quality programme as the face-to-face course at our Teacher Training centres but delivered completely online.

You receive the same highly-regarded CELTA qualification
You complete the same course curriculum
You are taught by the same experienced, supportive team

CELTA is a course giving you a thorough grounding in all aspects of teaching the English language to adults. One of the most widely taken qualifications of its kind, thousands of people each year choose CELTA to open up a world of exciting English language teaching opportunities. Part of the University of Cambridge and validated by Cambridge English Language Assessment, the Cambridge CELTA course is recognised and accepted by teaching institutions worldwide.

Course Content
Teaching Practice The course is very practical in nature and teaching practice takes place using Zoom under the guidance of your tutor. Course time is set aside for the preparation of these lessons and your tutor will assist and guide you throughout your time with us. You will gain experience in teaching at two distinct levels.

Language Awareness This component is designed to familiarise trainees with aspects of the English language. It focuses on grammar and structure (form), meaning in context (function) and the sound system of the English language (phonology).

Written Assignments Candidates need to complete 4 written assignments which range from formal language analysis to a study of teaching materials. They are graded on a pass or fail basis and candidates must pass 3 out of 4 assignments.

Methodology of Language Teaching & Learning This involves the analysis and appreciation of various methods, styles and strategies for both language teaching and learning. You are also introduced to a range of teaching aids and classroom management techniques.

Live Online Observations During the course you will be timetabled for 6 hours of live online observation. This will give you the opportunity to see experienced teachers in action. These observations are complemented by specific observation tasks, which will be referred to throughout the course.

Applicants must:

- Be at least 18 (it is generally recommended that candidates should be aged 20 or over, but candidates aged between 18 and 20 can be accepted at the centre's discretion)
- Have an awareness of language and a competence in both written and spoken English, which will enable them to undertake the course and prepare for teaching a range of levels (C1 on the CEFR)
- Have the potential to develop the necessary skills to become effective teachers and to complete successfully the written assignments and the assessment of practical teaching


10.00 � 18:00 (UK Time)

Customer Feedback

The school and the quality of trainers were excellent all round. The course was extremely demanding but very well taught and now over, a very rewarding experience indeed.
-Harry Bucknall-

The school was extremely professional and the facilities were excellent. The course is very intensive, really tough and demanding. Our trainers made sure that we were all up to date with the amount of work we had. I am extremely impressed with their professionalism!
-Rossella Romano-

The school is very well equipped and all trainees are encouraged to use all the facilities available. The library has a huge number of books covering all TEFL related subjects. All staff are friendly and accommodating. The tutors were great and very supportive - and absolutely brilliant teachers themselves. It was a very positive experience all round. I never thought it was possible to learn this much in such a short period of time.
-Klaudia Holland-

I thought that the school and the trainers were excellent and had lots to offer. The course was well planned and executed, it was helpful and informative. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to teach and the contact that you get with so many different people from lots of different cultures. I liked the fact that my trainers were very approachable and helpful.
-Emma Nicholson-Thew-

How to Apply

1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.

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