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The Suzanne Furstner Foundation
The perfect introduction to TEFL
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All Inclusive Option A - Private Room
All Inclusive Option B - Shared Room
All Inclusive Option C - Homestay 3 daily meals included
These options include Tuition, 5 weeks of housing plus 1 week of Spanish lessons. Housing begins on the day before the course begins.
The below dates and fees are for Option A. If you prefer one of the other options, please contact us.
Course ref. | 6664 |
Course Type | Certificate in TESOL |
Min Age | 18 |
Maximum Class Size | 18 |
Class Times | Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Input sessions covering grammar, phonetics, teaching skills, and classroom management. 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Guided lesson prep time. 3:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m Teaching practice |
The school is part of a worldwide network of teacher training and language schools and its infrastructure is strengthened by a partnership with one of the most prestigious language centers in the region located only steps away from the training center. With over forty classrooms, groups of E.F.L. learners of all ages and levels, and classes running from 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., Monday-Saturday at the E.F.L. partner school, you are sure to obtain all the necessary real teaching practice you need in order to start your TEFL TESOL career in Mexico or anywhere around the world.
The center's specialty is training students to teach English as a foreign or second language and also finding them post course paid employment in Mexico. With literally thousands of school contact details from all around the world, you may rest assured that your requests for job placement / guidance will be efficiently met. Through our network of EFL employment contacts we assist our graduates to find employment all over the world. By gaining international certification you are assured worldwide acceptance as an English teacher.
Through the EFL partner school, a state of the art Self-Access/Multimedia Lab with 40+, computers is available for trainees to get hands on experience in the use of the latest technology. The school is a member of the UK College of Teachers and is fully accredited by the Mexican Department of Education.
Holding a TEFL certificate will add value to your CV or resume, as certification is becoming a standard requirement when applying for teaching jobs. Along with the benefit of our permanent TEFL job guidance program, you can feel secure in never having problems obtaining a teaching job because we do it for you. The certification provides you with the tools required to travel the world teaching English.
Upon successful academic completion of the course we will certify you as a professional TEFL teacher as well as obtain paid employment for you. A TEFL Certificate gives you advantages over other candidates who may be applying for the same jobs. With our contacts with literally thousands of schools all around the world, you may rest assured that your requests for TEFL job placement and guidance will be efficiently met.
The school is fully accredited by the Mexican Department of Education.
The course itself is offered through the use of modern interactive techniques and experiential activities, in order to develop the long-term thinking and planning skills that will be needed by the teacher and required by schools hiring English teachers. Each input session follows a similar pattern: doing, recalling, reflecting, conducting and practicing. The school counts with Interactive Whiteboards in every classroom.
The curriculum is designed to be developmental and incremental and to encourage the trainees to be creative and confident in their work. The course follows an immersion method where trainees develop their teaching skills and knowledge of grammar through a combination of morning input sessions and evening practical teaching.
During input sessions students are engaged in the class by frequently breaking into small groups to create teaching materials and practice teaching techniques. During teaching practice, trainee teachers put into practice the skills and methodology learned during the input sessions. Trainees teach genuine EFL students following an official curriculum: this is extremely important, since many other training centers around the world recruit volunteers for trainees' teaching practices. All teaching practices are fully observed by our trainers. Feedback is given and suggestions are made regarding the areas of teaching that could be improved.
The emphasis is on continual assessment and participants are expected to address the issues raised from previous feedback in their future lessons.
The course is divided into six areas:
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Topics covered include;
- The role of the teacher with regard for promoting effective learning.
- To consider ways in which we can maximize student interaction in the classroom.
- Effective strategies for Classroom Management in relation to eye contact, gesture, voice, student grouping, pre-lesson preparation, rapport with students, using the board, behavior management.
- Skills needed in the presentation of materials: the board, the flip chart, prepared cards.
- Maintaining discipline
- Giving instructions
TEACHING SKILLS This is a highly practical element of the course where trainees consider;
- The essential ingredients of a well planned lesson
- The relationship between language structure and vocabulary
- Strategies for teaching vocabulary
- Effective strategies for correcting students' mistakes
- Specific issues concerned with teaching beginners
- Ways to introduce and use a variety of language games
- Ideas for oral communicative language learning activities
- Ways to present a methodological model for teaching receptive skills (listening and reading)
- Ways to present a methodological model for teaching productive skills (writing and speaking)
- Models for introducing new language structures (grammar)
- Specific issues involved in teaching Business English
- The principles underpinning good assessment
LANGUAGE AWARENESS (GRAMMAR) This section of the course aims to consolidate trainee's knowledge of the English grammar system and provides practical ideas as to how it can be taught. Some different aspects of grammar covered include:
- The tense system
- Nouns/adjectives
- Verbs/adverbs
- Infinitives
- Gerunds
- Parts of speech
- Modal auxiliary verbs
- Conditionals
- Relative clauses
- Phrasal verbs
- Teaching pronunciation
- Phonetics
PHONOLOGY Focuses on areas such as stress, intonation, rhythm and the International Phonetic Alphabet.
UNKNOWN LANGUAGE Trainees are put into the position of language students and will be taught an unknown foreign language class. This gives trainees an opportunity to view lessons as a student and note techniques used by the teacher when teaching beginners.
TEACHING PRACTICE The most practical and important element of the course. Trainees teach genuine EFL students following an official curriculum: this is extremely important, since many other training centers around the world recruit volunteers for trainees' teaching practices
All teaching practices total 10 hours minimum, (six is the international standard), fully observed, constructively critiqued and graded by our trainers. The emphasis is on progression and trainees are expected to address issues raised during feedback.
All Inclusive Option A - Private Room offers tuition plus 5 weeks of housing in private room in a local dorm located only 5 blocks away from the school. US$2,580.00
All Inclusive Option B - Shared Room offers tuition plus 5 weeks of housing in shared room in a local dorm located only 5 blocks away from the school. US$2,193.00
All Inclusive Option C - Homestay offers tuition plus 5 weeks of housing in a homestay with 3 daily meals. Homestay homes are located in excellent neighborhoods only 25 minutes away on public transportation. US$2,255.00
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Input sessions covering grammar, phonetics, teaching skills, and classroom management. 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Guided lesson prep time. 3:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m Teaching practice
I have to say that during my time at this school I found the staff to be extremely supportive on an educational and personal level. My trainer was experienced, enthusiastic, motivated and most importantly, he connected with our group so that by the end of the course, he was not only our trainer, but our friend. I felt that my trainer was integral to the course - I learned so much from him that I cannot imagine having gone through the experience without him.
The course was intense but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The opportunity to teach from Day 3 of the course was daunting to begin with, but I believe it was the best way to make everybody feel involved and motivated throughout the four weeks.
I have made some life-long friends through the school, and for me, that is just as important as the course itself. The TEFL Certificate course as a learning experience was informative and helpful and I really appreciate the opportunities it has given me. I think this social aspect of the course is a big advantage that shouldn't be overlooked- especially as some of your classmates will be living in the same hostel as you if you choose that accommodation option.
The job placement guarantee is great - especially if you are looking for your first job in a country you have never visited before. I was found a job still while in course and started working immediately after graduation.
The school offers you the opportunity to learn, work, have fun, meet people, travel and get a certificate at the end of it all! I enjoyed it and I think you will too.
Jenna Boult
Job Placement
TEFL paid job placement in Mexico is guaranteed for successful candidates, and direct employment contacts worldwide are provided upon successful completion of the TEFL course.
- The school guarantees paid job placement in Mexico for all successful graduates
- Graduates choose 5 locations, the employment service always tries to match them with their first option
- Graduates are sometimes placed in other countries too, but the school can only guarantee paid job placement in Mexico
1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.
You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.
Argentina :: TEFL
Australia :: TEFL
Brazil :: TEFL
Cambodia :: TEFL
Canada :: TEFL
Chile :: TEFL
China :: TEFL
Colombia :: TEFL
Costa Rica :: TEFL
Czech Republic :: TEFL
Ecuador :: TEFL
France :: TEFL
Germany :: TEFL
Greece :: TEFL
Hungary :: TEFL
Ireland :: TEFL
Italy :: TEFL
Latvia :: TEFL
Mexico :: TEFL
New Zealand ::
Poland :: TEFL
Portugal :: TEFL
South Africa::
TEFL Spain :: TEFL
Thailand :: TEFL
Turkey :: TEFL
Vietnam :: TEFL