TEFL - Cambridge CELTA Valencia, Spain

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4 weeks course starting 02/11/2021 for £1,250

Cambridge CELTA

Course ref: 2007
Course Type: Cambridge CELTA
Location: Valencia, Spain
Min Age: 20
Maximum Class Size: 15
Exam Board Fee Included:
Class Times: Mon-Fri 9.30 - 16.30

Important Information

The course starting on 12th of February is full already.

School Details - Valencia

Founded in 1993, the school offers language courses and teacher training programmes of the highest quality. The language school is situated in a beautiful historic building in the heart of Valencia city. The facilities include bright, air-conditioned classrooms, central heating, a video and lending library as well as a small coffee bar for students. This school is the only centre in the Valencia region which is officially approved by the University of Cambridge to offer teacher training courses leading to CELTA ( Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) at pre-service level. The centre also offers general English courses to children, younger learners and adult students. The centre has a large Business department providing specially designed language courses to meet the needs of local companies and public entities in the Valencia region.

Approximately half way down Spain's Mediterranean coast lies Valencia, its third largest city. Blessed with a glorious climate, international acclaim on the footie circuit, and fun-loving inhabitants (well who can blame them with such proximity to the beach) this place certainly knows how to throw a good party: the literal explosion of Las Fallas festival, in March, the culmination of them all.

Course Description

This is a highly practical course which provides initial training and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults. The general aim of the scheme is to provide comprehensive initial training for entry into English Language teaching and is therefore a pre-service, initial scheme. This means that the course will concentrate on the practical rather than on the theoretical aspects of teaching and it will provide a broad perspective of classroom practice rather than a specialised narrow one.

The course presents a view of the principles underlying language teaching and deals extensively with the analysis of English from the learners' perspective. Activities to develop language skills. the presentation of new language, integrating phonology into lessons, syllabus design and timetabling are all considered.

On completion of the course successful candidates should be competent teachers at levels ranging from beginners to upper intermediate. Cambridge CELTA is recognised internationally as an initial qualification in English Language Teaching to Adults.

Course Programme

The certificate course programme is designed to enable candidates to:

1) Develop an awareness of language, a knowledge of the description of English and apply these in their professional practice.
2) Develop an initial understanding of the contexts in which adults learn English, their motivations and the rules of the teacher and the learner.
3) Develop familiarity with the principles and practice of effective teaching to adult learners of English.
4) Develop basic skills for teaching adults in the classroom.
5) Develop familiarity with appropriate resources and materials for use with adult learners for teaching, testing and for reference.
6) Identify opportunities for their own future development as professionals in the field.

Teaching Practice

Teaching practice is a main component of the certificate and takes place every day. Small groups of trainees (maximum six) obtain experience by working with classes at different levels from elementary to intermediate.The content of the lesson is monitored by the tutor and after each teaching practice session the lesson is discussed and evaluated by the trainee group and their tutor. Trainees must liase with other members of their group outside course hours to ensure a series of cohesive lessons.


The observation of experienced, qualified teachers is an intrinsic part of the course and takes place outside course hours.

Mode of Assessment & Certification

There are three components of assessment on the course:

1) Candidates' professional development
2) Assessment of teaching practice.
3) Written assignments.

Assessment is on a continuous and integrated basis. There is no final examination. Candidates are assessed primarily on their supervised teaching practice and four written assignments totalling 3000-4000 words.

Candidates will be informed of the progress they are making by written commentary on their teaching practice and also in one-to-one tutorials throughout the course.

A Pass grade is awarded to candidates whose overall performance in teaching practice and the written assignments meets the specified criteria. Pass grades A or B are awarded to candidates who have demonstrated a significantly higher level of achievement in teaching practice than that required to meet pass level criteria. Candidates who do not pass the course will be issued with an attendance certificate.
Trainees who miss the first day of the course without prior warning will only be allowed to join the course at the course director's discretion.

Number of Participants

The maximum number of participants on a course is 12. We wish to ensure that all candidates on the course get the required individual attention needed on such a short but highly intensive training course. The centre offers both a familiar and personal learning environment.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should:

a) Be at least 20 years old by the starting date of the course.
b) Have a good standard of education i.e. university entrance standard or equivalent.
c) Have an awareness of language and a competence in both written and spoken English that enables them to follow the course.

Course directors may use their discretion in admitting to courses candidates who do not fulfil the above but it should be borne in mind that candidates should be of a standard comparable to b) and c) above.

Accommodation Options

The school can arrange local accommodation for you.

A room in a shared apartment with English or Spanish speakers will cost 300 Euros for the full four weeks. Every extra weeks costs 75 Euros.

Alternatively you can stay in a hostel from 40 Euros per night.

A 4-week stay in a bed & breakfast costs 375 Euros (13 Euros for every extra night).

You will pay for your accommodation upon arrival.


Mon-Fri 9.30 - 16.30

Customer Feedback

The standard was very high and the trainers worked hard with the students to get the best out of them.
-Fran Critchely-

The school was excellent. The trainers have a lot of experience and have a wide range of knowledge about the English language. They were very well prepared and the course was organised very well.
-Ross Aaron Nicholas-

The trainers were experienced and very knowledgeable about all aspects of teaching English.
-Michael Hancock-

The school was good with plenty of resources, very well organised course and the trainers were really good - obviously well qualified, very knowledgeable and very approachable too.
-Karla Birnie-

The co-directors of the school are highly experienced, do all of the CELTA instruction themselves and are clearly masters of their craft.
Valencia is a beautiful city and, I think, much overlooked by UK tour operators. The college premises are in the northern outskirts but, being such a compact city, you would still be able to walk into the very centre in 30 minutes.
-Robert Pollock-

Help for Jobs

Fortunately there is a lot of work available in Valencia city and region. As this is the only CELTA centre in Valencia, many local schools contact the school looking for both full-time and part-time teachers throughout the year.

As part of the CELTA programme, the school offers advice on where to find work both in Spain and abroad, on writing suitable CVs, questions to ask at interview and guidance on working conditions generally. There is also a school recruitment noticeboard used by local and international schools who wish to recruit CELTA graduates.

In the CELTA library, there is a careers file with information on local schools and language centres that regularly recruit recent CELTA graduates, as well as general information and addresses on how to find work in Spain and elsewhere, for both summer periods and the academic year.

It is also worth noting here that on many occasions the centre recruits its own CELTA graduates to work both on- and off-site.

How to Apply

1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now - you will be able to specify later.
2. Register your details with Cactus TEFL (1 minute) to help us track your application.
3. Download the application form and save it on your computer.
4. Complete it offline in your own time
5. Go back to www.cactustefl.com, sign in and submit your completed form.

You can also submit an application by email. We will explain how to do this on the application form. Please contact us if you have any problems with the application procedure.

Map of Valencia, Spain

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