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TEFL Job Search Results
Posted Thursday 16th February 2006

EFL/ESOL/ESL Teacher/Instructor, Shanghai, China

Job Title EFL/ESOL/ESL Teacher/Instructor
Location Shanghai, , China
Company Name The Connexions Program
Company Details The Connexions Program provides only quality placements at a wide variety of establishments in many rural, suburban and city centre locations throughout China. We aim to place you with an establishment of your choice: Public middle and high schools, private language centers, post-16 colleges and universities and company training centers. The opportunities we invite you to apply for are ideal for both experienced ESL teachers and also those who wish to develop experience in arguably the most interesting and pleasant country in the world. Our Expectations - In return for our diligence we simply ask for professionally minded and committed people who will place student development at the heart of their working life. These are our expectations – we would like you to tell us yours!
Date Added 16th February 2006
Closing Date 16th March 2006
Job Description the international Connexions Program offers quality checked 6 month or 1 year contracts in private and government schools. All age groups are available and we assure you of the best service in the industry. The Connexions Program is not an agency because our services extend far beyond that of a Chinese managed agency and are available throughout your contract. [email protected]
Qualifications Be able to create a productive and safe environment and realise the importance of student centred teaching.
Job Type Full-Time
Renumeration 4000-30000
Contact Ian Clark
Email Address [email protected]
Additional Details BA required as standards, exceptions made in certain circumstances re experience or other relevant certificates.
Company Website www.connexions-edu.com


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