New Teachers
Teachers who have successfully completed our CELTA training courses are offered the opportunity of teaching for Language Link abroad, thereby gaining initial teaching experience in a supportive environment. We are also in contact with a number of international school chains and are happy to assist in providing more details.
Experienced Teachers
Our overseas schools also employ more experienced teaching staff. Candidates should be enthusiastic, outgoing and interested in cultural experiences.
Positions include:
• Academic Support
• Return Travel
• Gain Teaching Experience
• Accommodation
• Holiday Pay
• Opportunities for Professional Development
• Membership of an International Network
• New Cultural Experiences
• Competitive Local Salary
• 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 12 month renewable contracts
• Medical Cover
The contracts are fairly standard across the countries with variations due to local labour laws. You will sign a contract in the country you will be working in, written in the local language and you will be registered with the local labour office. The terms and conditions are governed by a document in English, which you will be issued with before leaving Britain. Contracts are usually renewable. For the next year, your preferred location can usually be accommodated; you can stay in your town, move to another region or transfer to another country with Language Link schools.
The Teaching
You are generally contracted for a total of 40 hours per week (25 hours of classroom teaching, 5 hours of stand-by and the remaining 10 hours can be spent anywhere and are for lesson preparation, homework, correction, test marking, and grading etc.) You have to attend staff meetings and all seminars, workshops and insets. You will be observed and we encourage peer observation. The syllabus is textbook based, not textbook bound. You are encouraged to supplement with the teacher resource materials available in your school. Language Link employs the communicative approach to teaching, requiring student-centred lessons. The bulk of lessons are 'General English' classes in the evening, (from 3.00pm to 8.00pm) with young learners, teenagers and adults.
Travel Arrangements & Costs
The cost of travel from London to the country you will be working in is covered by Language Link, although you must initially pay for the ticket out, the company will reimburse the price of the ticket.
Applications & enquiries should be made via email to the following addresses:
Working in the UK
At our London school we employ native English speakers with university degrees who have a CELTA certificate or equivalent.
We run classes as follows:
Mondays-Fridays from 9am-12pm, 12-1pm, 1-4pm, 4-7pm
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7-9pm
Saturdays from 10am-1pm
Teachers work a variety of full or part-time hours depending on their availability and requirements within the school.
Most classes are composed of multi-lingual adults, but we also teach mono-lingual junior groups. The maximum class size is 16 or 18 depending on the time of day, with an average of 12-14 students per group. The syllabuses are textbook based.
There is a comprehensive Teacher Development Programme, comprising regular in-house workshops, a DoS and peer observation programme. Teachers also have the opportunity of getting involved with the school Social Programme and weekly English Club.
Contract lengths vary although most are ongoing. The salary range is £10.60-£12.93 per hour, depending on qualifications & experience.
If you are interested in working at our London school, please email a CV and covering letter to [email protected]
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Vacancy updated:12/05/2008